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Thank you for your support of Huron

Thank you for supporting Huron to fulfill its mission of Developing Leaders with Heart. We are trying to do something entirely unique to the university landscape in Canada, and your generosity is what will make this lofty goal possible.

From broadening high-quality programming through to ensuring our students get the real-life experiences they need to become better informed and engaged global citizens, your support is going to help nurture the individual gifts of the next generation of world leaders.

To show our appreciation for your gift, Huron will provide you with a formal thank you letter together with a tax receipt.  All gifts are gratefully received and will be recognized in Huron’s annual donor listings in the alumni and friends newsletter.

Huron University College Foundation

Founded in 1979, the main responsibility of Huron University College Foundation is to receive, invest and manage the endowment of the Foundation and to manage the funds held in trust for Huron University.

The Huron University College Foundation meets twice a year, in May and December, and has three standing committees. The Board of Directors establishes terms of reference and duties for each standing committee.

Charitable Registration Number: 11896 5706 RR0001

Foundation Board of Trustees
  • Peter Fullerton, President
  • John Leitch
  • Sandra Datars Bere
  • Keith Gibbons
  • Don Letton
  • Prof. Richard McLaren
  • Michael Schaab
  • Lana Phair-Sutherland
  • Rob Ritchie
  • Darren Rough
  • Peter Theophilos
  • Steve Wilson
  • Chris Jones Harris

Ex-officio Trustees (voting members)

  • President – Dr. Barry Craig
  • Chair of the Corporation – The Rt. Rev. Linda Nicholls
  • Chair of the Executive Board – Ian Jeffreys

Honorary Trustees (non-voting)

  • Presidents Emeriti – Kelly Hansen, Richard Lucas, W. Darcy McKeough O.C.,
  • Keith Sumner

How to Donate

There is more than one way to donate to Huron, and we are committed to doing our best to ensure making a gift to our university is as transparent, safe and as easy as possible. Please explore the different ways you can help foster learning environments where students are challenged to develop the knowledge and skills to actively shape a more compassionate, innovative and humane world.

After reviewing the following options for donation, if you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us and we will be happy to help you and would love to know more about your reasons for supporting the vibrancy of our community.

Make a gift right now
Gifts that keep on giving

Make a gift online

Make a donation through our secure website form.  Donate Now

Visit us (we’d love to see you)!

Drop off your cash, credit card or cheque gift at the Lucas Alumni House anytime Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Give us a call

If you would like to make a donation over the phone, using your credit card, please call us at 519.438.7224 ext. 904.

We accept credit card donations, on a one-time or continuing basis.

These are the cards we are able to accept:

  • VISA
  • MasterCard
  • American Express

Please download a pledge form to facilitate your donation.


Please fax your donation to 519.438.5226.

Or, send some love in the mail to:

Huron University College Foundation
1349 Western Road
London, Ontario
N6G 1H3

Cheques should be made payable to Huron University College Foundation.

Bequests & Planned gifts

Just as Huron may have significantly influenced your life, you have the opportunity to leave a legacy as you shape the future of Huron, its students and programs through careful financial planning.

Many individuals have helped Huron maintain its special character by making a planned gift, such as leaving a bequest in their will or designating Huron as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy. In addition to ensuring the long-term financial strength of Huron, donors of a planned gift also benefit from significant tax advantages.

•    Naming Huron as a Beneficiary
•    Planned Giving Intent form
•    Planned Giving Language form

Information and forms of donations of stock:

Gift of Securities Information
Gift of Securities Form


Many alumni and friends make gifts to Huron in the form of a named donor fund to benefit an area of Huron life which has particular meaning for them.  An endowment is “the gift that keeps on giving,” benefiting Huron students now and generations of Huron students to come.

The endowment fund will be invested and an annual payout expended in accordance with the established policies of the Huron University Foundation.  Put simply, an endowment is a capital fund which the donor establishes that resides in the Huron University Foundation.

Each year, a percentage of one’s total fund (currently 4% of the five-year rolling average) is paid out towards the area of Huron which the donor chooses to support.  An endowment of $15,000 provides approximately $600 each year.  Investment growth and any additional donations increase the value of the fund, and in turn the financial support provided from the endowment each year.

Endowments can be designated to support an area of the Huron experience which has particular meaning to the donor.

In addition, many donors arrange for a planned gift such as a bequest in one’s will which can be directed to the named fund they establish.

Recurring gifts and pledges

Make a pledge over a specified period of time, or set up an ongoing gift to Huron.


Print and fill out a downloadable pledge form and fax or mail it to:

University Advancement
Huron University College
1349 Western Rd, London, Ontario
N6G 1H3

Please download a pledge form to facilitate your donation.


Priority Projects

The Huron Fund

Gifts made to the area of greatest need are unrestricted and provide resources for Huron’s most immediate needs, including scholarships and bursaries, classroom technology and facilities.

Internships & Experiential Learning

Provides opportunities for students to gain real-world insights and practical experience, including internships, study-abroad programs, field trips, and community engagement programs.

FASS Scholarships and Bursaries

Donations to support scholarships and bursaries can give hard-working students the helping hand they need to succeed in many different ways – from tuition assistance for those who need it most, to recognition for remarkable academic achievements.

Theology Bursaries

Provides vital financial assistance for theological students so that they may pursue their studies and prepare for ministry with greater peace-of-mind.


Gifts help our library stay at the forefront of teaching and learning by supporting the acquisition of new materials and technologies, meeting the growing student demand for modern study spaces, and helping build the knowledge capital needed to address societal needs in the digital age.

Designate your gift to the area of your choice

Don’t see a priority project that best suits your desire for giving? Designate your gift to the area, program or initiative that will be the most rewarding for you. We appreciate your generosity immensely.

American Donations

As Huron has evolved, so too has its alumni. We are so proud of and appreciate our alumni who live in the United States, and we want to make staying in touch with and supporting Huron as easy as possible for you. If you are currently living in the US and are considering supporting our mission of Developing Leaders with Heart, please review the following details.

If you have any further questions or want to chat about how your generosity is going to help us transform the landscape of Liberal Arts education, please don’t hesitate to reach out – we look forward to hearing from you.


Huron University Foundation U.S.A
Huron Alumni USA Scholarship Fund
Gifts from the USA

In recognition of the increasing number of alumni in the US, Huron has now acquired 501c 3 status in the US through the formation of the Huron University Foundation USA for alumni who wish to make donations to support Huron.   This makes contributions to Huron that much more attractive for many alumni.  Under the Canada – U.S .Tax Treaty, Huron may issue tax receipts directly which qualify for tax credit with the IRS, while some alumni prefer to do so through a 501 c 3 status organization, which we now have in place.

The Huron University Foundation USA also provides opportunities for corporations to receive tax credit for gifts to Huron.  Thus, alumni who choose to ask the companies for whom they work to make matching gifts to Huron can do so knowing that their company will receive tax credit.


Established in 2014 through donations from US-based alumni of Huron University, and principally by the Directors of the Huron University Foundation U.S.A., the Huron Alumni USA Scholarship is awarded to an incoming first-year student from the USA registered full-time at Huron.


Huron alumni and friends living in the USA can support Huron and receive a charitable tax receipt. Under the Canada – U.S.Tax Treaty and through a 501 c 3 status organization, Huron may issue tax receipts which qualify for tax credit with the IRS.

How you can make a gift:

  • Make a gift in US dollars online.
  • Send a cheque payable to Huron University Foundation U.S.A. or mail your credit card pledge in US dollars to:

Huron University
1349 Western Road, London, Ontario
N6G 1H3 Canada

  • You can also continue donating in Canadian dollars, even if you reside in the USA.

Key Contacts