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Media Contact

Vanessa Tosic, Manager, Communications, Huron at Western
519-438-7224, ext. 802



New Huron student, Nhial Deng, exemplifies Leadership with Heart within the Kakuma Refugee Camp

May 14 2021
Huron is proud to share Nhial’s story & celebrate his resiliency with a full scholarship to our university Huron learned of Nhial through Joan Liu and Niki Dinsdale of the United World College of South East Asia (UWCSEA). They brought us the story of young man involved with Refugee Youth Peac...
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Huron Receives $25,000 Bell Let’s Talk Grant in Support of the University’s Culture of Continuous Improvement in the Areas of Mental Health & Wellness 

May 11 2021
What’s happening? Huron is one of 123 post-secondary institutions to receive a $25,000 grant from Bell Let’s Talk via their Post-Secondary Fund. These “kickoff grants” were madeto support these institutions’ abilities to implement policies and programs to more closely align with the ...
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Huron mourns the 8 victims of Atlanta’s racially-based shooting & extends its support to all those affected by racial targeting

Mar 19 2021
Our university extends its sincerest sympathy to those affected by the horrific shooting that took place in Atlanta, Georgia on March 16. In light of this event and the ongoing racial targeting that our Asian communities are facing, Huron wants to make its anti-racist position explicitly clear and e...
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Huron’s Research Fellowship in African-Canadian History Celebrates Local Blacks’ Rights Advocate

Feb 23 2021
Huron is proud to announce that Deirdre McCorkindale has been awarded the 2021-22 Huron Doctoral Research Fellowship in African Canadian History, recognizing her significant contributions to community-based research and advocacy. Offered through the Huron History Department, the Research Fellowship ...
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Huron University College and RBC Foundation team up to launch RBC Community Innovation Bootcamp

Jon Munn
Feb 10 2021
London, ON – Huron is proud to announce the RBC Foundation has confirmed a new commitment of $200,000, over four years, to help develop the next generation of innovators. This generous gift, which is part of RBC’s Future Launch program, will fund the RBC Community Innovation Bootcamp, which is ...
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