
Are you in a mental health crisis?

Counselling & Support

Need to talk?

Our wellness team is here to provide you with a supportive and confidential space to talk about how you are doing. Meet with a member of our team who is there to listen and assist you in creating a plan to feel better.

About Peer Support


Counselling is strengths and solution-focused so that you leave with strategies and ideas you can apply immediately. Counselling services are offered at no costs to enrolled students. Please note that the Wellness Centre is not currently fully accessible. For students with physical accessibility concerns, counselling services can be accessed in an alternate space or virtually.   

You can book an appointment to talk about:   

  • Stress and anxiety 
  • Low mood and depression 
  • Relationships 
  • Homesickness or transitioning to university 
  • Grief and loss 
  • Or anything else that might be on your mind. 
Request An Appointment

DROP-IN Counselling 

Drop-in counselling allows for 15-20 minute sessions with a counsellor to discuss resources and helpful strategies, or simply get connected with our team. Longer follow-up sessions can be scheduled as needed. Drop-in times for 2024/25 are as follows:

  • Mondays 1:30-2:30pm 
  • Thursdays 9:30-10:30am   

Drop-in can be attended virtually or in-person. Click here to complete our drop-in form: 

Please note that if you indicate a preference for a virtual drop-in, a counsellor will send you a Zoom link as soon as they are available. 

Note: For students residing out of province or outside of Canada: 

  • Inkblot Therapy ( offers affordable virtual counselling across Canada and is covered by your student benefits. 
  • BetterHelp ( is a worldwide online counselling platform giving you access to a licensed therapist via text and video chat. 
  • 7 Cups ( connects you to trained volunteer listeners (free) 24/7 for emotional support and can connect you to an online licensed therapist (available worldwide). 
  • All Huron students also have access to TAO, our online self help platform, where you can learn more about how to cope with anxiety, depression, stress, relationships, and more. 

Meet Your Wellness Counsellors 

Heidi Braaksma (MSW, RSW)

Director, Wellness Services

Greetings, I’m Heidi, a grateful member of the Huron Wellness team since 2019. It brings me immense joy to have the chance to stand alongside you and offer my support. Navigating the challenges of university life can be complex, and my intention is not just to help you overcome the hurdles that arise but to witness you flourish in your academic endeavours and embrace a path of personal growth and holistic well-being. I am so glad you are here, and I hope you have a wonderful year! 

Kasey Munn (MSW, RSW)

Wellness Counsellor and Mental Health Educator 

Hi, I’m Kasey! I’m a Wellness Counsellor and Mental Health Educator, as well as a reader, a crocheter and a lover of all things cozy. Meeting our students and hearing their stories is the greatest gift in my job. It is an honour to witness their resilience, creativity, strength and vulnerability, and watching them grow over their years here at Huron. I look forward to connecting with you! 

Mackenzie Robinford (MSW, RSW)

Wellness Counsellor and Gender-Based Sexual Violence Prevention Educator

Hi! I’m Mackenzie, a Wellness Counsellor who’s passionate about queer-affirming counselling and advocacy. I admire the courage it takes to reach out and hope to help you feel seen, heard, validated, and empowered. University life can feel like a constant balancing act between academics, work, relationships, and personal well-being. I’m here to support you in navigating your experiences with self-compassion and resilience.

Meet Your Wellness Peer Educators 


Hi, I’m Udit. I’m entering my second year at Huron and pursuing an Honours Specialization in Psychology, with a Minor in Creative Writing. This year, I am also a Community Don and my vision is to provide as much support as I can to everyone who may want to reach out to me. I know that going to university is hard, but it doesn’t have to be as lonely – at least not all the time. I’m open to questions, concerns, or even any scrambled thoughts. Feel free to communicate with me regarding anything, it doesn’t always have to “make sense” or qualify to be “that big of a deal” for you to reach out! 

Book With Udit

Peer Support FAQs

What is Peer Support? Why would I attend a Peer Support session? 

Peer Support is a form of emotional and practical support that our Wellness Peer Educators, who are fellow students, provide. Peer Support sessions provide students a space to share their stories, learn more about wellness resources, as well as brainstorming practical solutions for issues they face. 

Do Wellness Peer Educator have the qualifications to provide support? What is the difference between a Wellness Counsellor and a Wellness Peer Educator? 

Wellness Peer Educators are upper year students with additional training in offering peer support. They are equipped to provide a listening ear and are knowledgeable of resources to connect students to.

It is important to note that Wellness Peer Educators are not professional therapists and are not meant as a resource if you are in crisis. Wellness Peer Educators can link you to Crisis Supports and to the Wellness team.

Is everything I share in Peer Support confidential? 

Like counselling, everything you share with Wellness Peer Educators will be maintained with strict confidentiality. The exceptions are if you are in crisis, or your WPE requires the support of professional staff to support you.  

Do Wellness Peer Educators have access to my counselling notes? 

Wellness Peer Educators will not have access to your counselling notes.  

How do I connect with a Wellness Peer Educator for Peer Support? 

Drop-in Peer Support sessions are Tuesdays from 4-5pm in Rubinoff Room. You can also book a Peer Support time using the links in our WPE bios above.

A note from your WPEs: While your stories might be different from ours and we might not know the answer right away, what we promise is compassion, to listen to you and together brainstorm different resources you can make use of.

Contact for more information.

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